COMBO: Empowering Developers, Attracting Gamers — A New Era in Web3 Gaming Begins

4 min readJul 11, 2023

COMBO, formerly known as Cocos BCX, has made a significant stride in the world of blockchain gaming by opening its Test Net to the public. This development marks a major milestone for COMBO as it aims to revolutionize web3 game development through its cutting-edge technologies and open-source, decentralized approach.


As a leading provider of scaling solutions for Web3 game development, COMBO leverages the power of the world’s top game engine to build an accessible and efficient Layer2 solution.

One of the key challenges faced by game developers in the web3 space is the high barriers to entry. To address this, COMBO offers a comprehensive range of development tools and services that provide full support to game developers, whether they are native to web3 or new to the space. With expert support, simple APIs, and SDKs, developers can build and launch their games in a fraction of the time it would traditionally take.

As the first game-focused optimistic rollup on the BNB Chain, COMBO’s test net launch represents a significant step toward realizing its vision. By offering game developers the tools and infrastructure needed to thrive in the web3 space, COMBO paves the way for the next bull market in web3 gaming. With its innovative solutions, COMBO is set to revolutionize the gaming industry, empowering developers and captivating players with immersive and scalable web3 gaming experiences.



Max Supply: 100,000,000

Contract address: 0xc03fbf20a586fa89c2a5f6f941458e1fbc40c661

COMBO is listed on many big exchanges like Binance, Kucoin, Gate, and many more.


  1. Build Games In Hours With APIs: COMBO empowers game developers with expert support, simple APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and SDKs (Software Development Kits) to expedite the game development process. With these tools, developers can streamline their workflow, reducing development time and allowing them to launch games faster. By offering a comprehensive suite of development resources, COMBO enables developers to focus on creating captivating gameplay experiences.
  2. Mint NFTs For Your Game With Ease: NFTs have become a vital component of the blockchain gaming ecosystem, allowing for the creation and ownership of unique in-game assets. COMBO simplifies the process of minting NFTs for games, providing developers with the necessary tools and infrastructure. By integrating NFTs seamlessly into game development, COMBO unlocks the potential for truly scalable web3 games, enhancing the gameplay experience and enabling new monetization opportunities for developers.
  3. Attract Mainstream Gamers To Blockchain: COMBO aims to bring mainstream gamers into the world of blockchain gaming by offering a user-friendly wallet experience that caters to the needs of all BNB Chain gamers. By providing a seamless and intuitive interface, COMBO makes it easier for gamers to access and engage with blockchain games, encouraging wider adoption of the technology.
  4. The First Game-Focused Optimistic Rollup On The BNB Chain: COMBO is pioneering the development of a game-focused optimistic rollup solution on the BNB Chain. Optimistic rollups are layer2 scaling solutions that aim to enhance scalability and reduce transaction costs for blockchain applications. By focusing specifically on the needs of game developers, COMBO’s rollup solution is designed to boost the next bull market in web3 gaming. This innovation ensures that developers can create and deploy games on the BNB Chain with improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


To further accelerate the adoption of web3 gaming, COMBO has secured partnerships with 24 renowned names in the Web3 space. COMBO has garnered support from influential investors and gaming giants like Binance Labs, NEO Global Capital, Alibaba Cloud, and Cocos Engine IDE.


In conclusion, COMBO’s Test Net launch signifies a significant step forward in its mission to revolutionize web3 game development. By providing accessible tools, scalability solutions, and a network of support, COMBO is paving the way for a new era of gaming. With its commitment to attracting mainstream gamers, streamlining development, and propelling the adoption of web3 gaming, COMBO is poised to shape the future of the gaming industry and captivate a global audience.

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Author Details:

Bitcointalk Username: Ashishk

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2859530

Proof of Authentication:

BSC Wallet Address: 0xba4ecc8f25df103acc8717e8d8fd788516391a91

